星期三, 5月 23, 2007

Preparing to Invest

"One Up on Wall Street" 這本書分三個主部份;
1. Preparing to Invest
2. Picking Winners
3. The Long-term View

"Preparing to Invest" 這部份主要介紹應有的投資概念及心態,可讀性不高,以下是這部份的一些扼要;

1. Don't overestimate the skill and wisdom of professionals.
2. Take advantage of what you already know.
3. Look for opportunities that haven't yet been discovered and certified by Wall Street.
4. Invest in companies, not in the stock market.
5. Ignore short-term fluctuations, predicting the short-term direction is futile.
6. Large loss or profits can be made in common stocks.
7. Predicting the economy is futile.
8. The average person is exposed to interesting local companies and products years before the professionals.
