星期二, 5月 29, 2007

Picking Winners - Part 3

Lynch 在這章裡介紹了 P/E 的不同應用以比較股價平貴;

P/E 跟公司分類的關糸
P/E for a slower grower (7 to 9)
P/E for stalwart (10 to 14)
P/E for fast grower (14 - 20)

P/E 跟盈利增長的關糸
The P/E ratio of any company that's fairly priced will equal its growth rate of earnings. In general, a P/E ratio that's half the growth rate is very positive, and one that's twice the growth rate is very negative.

If the p/e of Coca-Cola is 15, you'd expect the company to be growing at about 15 percent a year, etc...

All esle being equaly, a 20-percent grower selling at 20 times earnings (p/e of 20) is a much better buy than a 10-percent grower selling at a p/e of 10.

P/E 跟盈利增長及派息的關糸
Find the long-term growth rate (says, Company X is 12 percent), add the dividend yield (Company X pays 3 percent), and divide by the p/e ratio (Company X is 10). 12 plus 3 divided by 10 is 1.5.

Less than a 1 is poor, and 1.5 is okay, but what you'r really looking for is a 2 or better.

星期一, 5月 28, 2007

Picking Winners - Part 2

Lynch 提出好公司(股)的十三個特質,有些特質似乎比較主觀,但也不防一一列出;

1. It sounds dull - simple business with a boring company name.
2. It does something dull.
3. It does something disagreeable (I interprete it as "something niche")
4. It's a spinoff (large companies do not want to spin off divisions and then see those spinoffs get into trouble) 比亞狄即將分拆手提電話部門,這會可是機會?
5. The institutions don't own it, and the analysts don't follow it.
6. The rumors around: It's involved with toxic waste and/or the Mafla.
7. There's something depressing about it. (Lynch quotes an example that provides funeral services)
8. The company that can acquire market shares in no-growth industry
9. It's got a niche (niches can be brand name, patent, location ...etc)
10. People have to keep buying its products/services.
11. It's a user of technology (productivity increase with lower cost of technology)
12. The insiders are buyers
13. The company is buying back shares

星期六, 5月 26, 2007

Picking Winners - Part 1

"Picking Winners" 這部份應該是這本書的重點,Lynch 指出一般人只要留意身邊事物,一樣可以發現出色的公司,這點和畢菲得的觀點相近,Lynch 更將一般公司分成六類;

1. Slow Growers 慢增長公司
2. Stalwarts 普通增長公司 (比GDP增長快少該,營利較穩定的大公司)
3. Fast Growers 快速增長公司
4. Cyclicals 循還增長公司
5. Turnarounds 復蘓公司
6. Asset Plays 折讓公司

一間公司可以由一類轉去第二類,投資者一定了解每間公司的分類。除了第一類,其他的也可以投資,不過 Fast Growers 長線可帶來最大的回報。

星期三, 5月 23, 2007

Preparing to Invest

"One Up on Wall Street" 這本書分三個主部份;
1. Preparing to Invest
2. Picking Winners
3. The Long-term View

"Preparing to Invest" 這部份主要介紹應有的投資概念及心態,可讀性不高,以下是這部份的一些扼要;

1. Don't overestimate the skill and wisdom of professionals.
2. Take advantage of what you already know.
3. Look for opportunities that haven't yet been discovered and certified by Wall Street.
4. Invest in companies, not in the stock market.
5. Ignore short-term fluctuations, predicting the short-term direction is futile.
6. Large loss or profits can be made in common stocks.
7. Predicting the economy is futile.
8. The average person is exposed to interesting local companies and products years before the professionals.

星期二, 5月 22, 2007

Personal Qualities it Takes to Succeed


(from 4. Passing the Mirror Test)

The ture contrarian is not the investor who takes the opposite side of a popular hot issue. The true contrarian waits for things to cool down and buys stocks that nobody cares about, and especially those that make Wall Street yawn.

...The trick is not to learn to trust your gut feelings, but rather to discipline yourself to ignore them. Stand by your stocks as long as the fundamental story of the company hasn't changed.

星期一, 5月 21, 2007

Patch Linux kernel with madwifi

以前 upgrade 完 kernel 要再 compile madwifi driver 先可行到 wireless。現在可先行 madwifi patch kernel,compile kernel 時同時製作 madwifi modules,install 完新 kernel 便即時可用到 wireless 咭。

星期五, 5月 18, 2007

Linux laptop_mode

為了使屋企部 server 更寧靜,之前用 noflush "spin down" 部硬碟,不過效果不是十分好,最近發現 kernel 2.16 設有 lap_mode 可提供 noflush 的功能,不過要先按裝 laptop_mode tool,幫助設定不同 settings。

要確定硬碟 status,可用 hdparm -C /dev/hda 查看。

下載 laptop_mode tool
hdparm Wiki

星期二, 5月 15, 2007

Linux Kernel In A Nutshell 下載

這是一本介紹 下載同customize Linux Kernel 的書,全書可在以下連結下載。
Linux Kernel in A Nutshell




06FY 07FY YoY
North America 4,668 3,256 -30%
HK 5,182 5,700 10%
Europe 6,974 7,671 10%
Latin America 1,735 1,648 -5%
Asia and others 3,527 4,232 20%
Profit before tax 22,086 22,508 2%
Tax (5,215) (5,357)
Profit after tax 16,871 17,151 2%

Q1 News RTHK
06FY 會計仔筆記

星期一, 5月 07, 2007


在西貢 Corner Cafe 吃的甜品,F31fd 能準拍下當時的氣氛。
F31fd @ISO800 Auto WB, Auto AE
點擊圖片播放 F31 拍下的短片

星期三, 5月 02, 2007

Kaspersky Beta 7 下載

Kaspersky 已經推出 beta 7, 可在以下連結下載。

